Monday, July 20, 2020

Pompeo Pontone’s article on Covid-19 and Data Science

How to master data set and data structures to perform analysis? This is the issue addressed by Pompeo Pontone, a Professional Investor and expert in Data Science and FinTech, in the light of the extraordinary emergency situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pompeo Pontone: Covid-19 and the use of data

In his article published on the official website, Pompeo Pontone discusses about the connection between Covid-19 and Data Science, the latter being one of his field of specialization together with Investment Management, Quantitative Finance and Derivatives Trading, among the others. "Data Scientists know how crucial is to master data set and data structures in order to perform any required analysis", the expert says, pointing out that, when dealing with data analysis, the crisis caused by Covid-19 is not something different than any other issue under the lens of Data Science. "There is no difference in dealing with Covid-19 pandemic"Pompeo Pontone explains, "Data set, data formation and data structures are being created and will constitute the base of the pandemic analysis". His article continues by addressing another crucial aspect, that is the one of reliability: the expert writes, indeed, "I personally fear that, unless data consistency is guaranteed among different countries and territories, sample hypothesis testing results will not be reliable enough". As data will form the base of the pandemic analysis, a preferable choice would be "performing statistical analysis on the entire population data set", he concludes, "as soon as statistical official data on well tested classifications (unrelated to the Covid-19 pandemic) are compiled".

Pompeo Pontone, more than 25 years of experience in the world of finance

The article on the issue of Covid-19 and Data Science is published by Pompeo Pontone, a leading Investment Specialist in the fields of Investment Management and Capital Markets, who is currently active in Quantitative Finance, Derivatives Trading and Data Science, as well as in the fields of FinTech and Private Equity. The expert's educational background includes a Degree with honors in Economics (Bocconi University of Milan, 1994), a Master of Science in Quantitative Finance (Birkbeck College, University of London), and the "Mathematical Finance: Contingent Claims Pricing in Continuous Time" Postgraduate Course (University of Florence). His first professional experience was as a Research Analyst at Stone & McCarthy Research Associates in London in 1995. Pompeo Pontone later moved to Credito Italiano (known today as UniCredit), working as a Fixed Income Analyst in Milan, and, in 1998, he was appointed Vice President and Senior Fund Manager at Pioneer Investments, a Dublin based firm specializing in investment funds management. From 1999 to 2001 he was Director - Co-Head of Corporate Bonds & Credit Portfolios at Intesa Asset Management (today Eurizon - Intesa San Paolo), and, from 2001 to 2002, Managing Director - Head of Corporate Bonds & Credit Derivatives at Fineco Asset Management. His following top management roles include that of Managing Director - Head of Corporate Bonds & Credit Derivatives Proprietary Trading at BMPS Bank in London, and Managing Director - Head of Alternative Investments and Asset Management at ALTIAM - Amstel Securities LLP. He held this role until 2011, when he was appointed Senior Financial Advisor at Method Investments & Advisory Ltd.

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