Thanks to Giulio Valiante, today one of the most successful Manager and Business Angel in Italy,
in the last decade a large number of startups has increased their business and
has become huger companies.
Giulio Valiante's career: first years in marketing sector

Born in Naples in 1963,
Giulio Valiante's academic path took place in his hometown, at the Federico II University, where he studied Economics and Business. Here, he gained his Bachelor's degree with valuable results in 1988. His professional path started in 1989 when he started working for Henkel Group, remaining in this company until 1995. Working at first in Milan, he also got the chance to join the Group's Vienna seat, between 1991 and 1993. In this international environment, he joined the team that managed the integration process of the marketing strategies dedicated to the Western part of Europe. In 1995, he got hired from Wax Italy, a further consumer goods distributing company, where he operated as Export & Marketing Manager in charge of the European Automotive Division. Two years later
Giulio Valiante moved to Barilla Alimentare S.p.A., one of the major Italian multinational corporations. He worked as Trade & International Sales Account Manager until 1999, when he decided to give his career a fresh new start and, therefore, changed his professional field. His new career was going to be settled in the digital economy sector, becoming a forerunner of a field that was just blooming in Italy at that time and, therefore, one of the first players in this new world.